Flood Management Feasibility Study for the Msimbazi Middle Catchment Area

Potential climate/ disaster impacts addressed by approach & Justification for approach:

This project has two components, one on flood-risk management of the Msimbazi River and improvement of Waste management in low-income areas. The flood management component foresees a hybrid flood mitigation strategy combining i) short term measures focusing on removal of hydraulic bottlenecks (widening and deepening the river, incl. widening or raising 4 bridges, river bank protection, and short term resettlement from widening the river bed) and ii) long term multi-sectoral integrated sets of measures including spatial planning, resettlement and re-greening of the catchment. Currently, Dar Es Salaam waste management is not efficient especially in low-income areas and the city is served by a single legal dumpsite, namely Pugu Kinyamwezi, which is located approximately 34 km from the city centre. The project foresees the improvement of waste collection in low-income areas being cost-efficient and also tackling the challenge of waste transportation tackling the challenge of health hazards and above all clogging of the drainage infrastructure which exacerbates floods experienced in the city.

Process of Implementation:

The CFF provides cities with technical assistance to develop finance-ready low carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure projects. The project in Dar es Salaam was one of 14 projects that received support between 2019 - 2021. To improve solid waste management and reduce flood risks, the previous Dar es Salaam City Council (DCC), in collaboration with the C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF) developed a flood-risk management strategy and a sustainable community-based solid waste management model for key areas of the Msimbazi catchment in Dar es Salaam. The strategy is designed to tackle floods in the mid-section of the river looking into short-term and long-term possibilities to solve the challenge in the long term incorporating climate change. The waste model is designed to improve the collection and treatment of waste, while also reducing the risk of flooding by limiting blockages to waterways through the engagement of local stakeholders to increase the likelihood of community buy-in. The CFF’s assistance will allow the city to build the business case for the project and find the most appropriate financing sources for both the flood protection and the waste management components of the project.

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