Potential climate/ disaster impacts addressed by approach & Justification for approach:
Climate change adaptation measures, like the ones outlined in the National Adaptation Plans aim to address "Climate Risks", mainly through targeting prevention and preparedness. The synergy between Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management has become imperative as this has been also highlighted by the Glasgow Climate Pact. Of the global effort on technical cooperation, only 2% is received by DRM and from this 2%, an overwhelming proportion of 98% of the technical cooperation is funneled into response, reconstruction, and recovery processes, creating an imbalance within the DRM cycle itself. Investing into securing development gains through anticipatory action makes more sense than the current approach of investing into reactionary responses.
Process of Implementation:
The RIUD first and pilot phase was launched on the 13th of October 2021 during the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. It initiated implementation in March 2022 and wrapped-up activities in October 2022 (6 months conceptualization and inception, and 7 months implementation). For the achievement of the objectives, the RIUD first and pilot phase was structured along two main components, namely a 1) “Working Group on RIUD” and 2) “Insight Moments on RIUD”. WG-RIUD peer-to-peer exchanges was professionally moderated along the common phases of “Risk-based decision frameworks”: 1) Scoping, 2) Risk Assessment/Appraisal/Screening, 3) Options appraisals and implementation, 4) Monitoring and evaluation, and 5) Communication phase.