Parques del Río Norte

Potential climate/ disaster impacts addressed by approach & Justification for approach:

The overall objective to improve the rate of public green space per capita, while using nature-based approaches to reduce the risk of riverbank erosion and improve urban drainage. The project builds on a pilot in the city centre and targets the northern part of the city, which largely houses low-income families. Building on the Compact City approach, the project also seeks to establish environmental and ecological networks within the city that build linkages between inhabitants and the Medellín River.

Process of Implementation:

The CFF provides cities with technical assistance to develop finance-ready low carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure projects. The project in Medellin is one of projects that is currently receiving support until 2024. The project “Parques del Rio Norte” builds on a pilot park in the city centre and aims to transform the northern part of the city that is home to low-income communities, among them many female-led households, and has the city’s lowest rate of green space per inhabitant. The project will be implemented in two stages, with the first stage encompassing 70.000m² and the second the remaining 230.000m², for a total of a 300.000m² green area along the Medellín River. The CFF will support the development of the stage I project and support the city to create a framework for the upscaling of the remaining 230.000m². Concrete infrastructure measures for stage I will include the construction of walking and cycling paths, outdoor sports equipment, the renovation of a soccer field and the construction of two pedestrian bridges across the river, as well as nature-based solutions to decrease the flow of water in the river and increase local absorption of rainwater both in the park and along the riverbank.

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