Pre-feasibility study for transformative river and stormwater management

Potential climate/ disaster impacts addressed by approach & Justification for approach:

According to the regional climate modeling, climate change will increase heavy rainfall events and temperatures (as much as 2°C in 2035), which will result in more extreme weather events, particularly flash floods in some parts of Mbombela and prolonged droughts and heatwaves. Moreover, the combination of excessive solid waste and alien vegetation within the river corridors increases the risk of blockage at river crossings, erosion of the river bed and channel, and flooding. On the other hand, prolonged drought periods will have a direct impact on the water supply and quality. This is particularly relevant because Mbombela is already considered a water-stressed municipality and suffers from disrupted water service delivery and lacks water service and storage infrastructure. This drought-flash flood dynamic, coupled with the characteristics of the soil, is likely to increase soil erosion and lead to land degradation. Investment in the stormwater management system and flood protection measures to protect the city is expected to increase water quality and availability, reduce flood-related risks and increase the city's resilience to climate change. This includes upgrading the drainage system and improving green spaces in the city, as well as implementing NbS such as widening the natural flood plains and expanding wetlands in the areas that surround the city.

Process of Implementation:

After shortlisting the city, the Gap Fund conducted a detailed assessment taht was approved by the TS. The team prepared a ToR with the city and later on, the TA was implemented and supervised by the GF team. Throughout the process, all relevant stakeholders were engaged.

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