Reducing heat islands in urban neighbourhoods

Potential climate/ disaster impacts addressed by approach & Justification for approach:

The measure aimed to pilot methods for retrofitting buildings in informal settlements such as plastering painting to improve thermal insulation and decrease heat gain, as well as rooftop shading, rooftop farming, and wall greening. The measures helped improve the overall microclimate of some residents’ homes who are living in poor conditions. Additionally, some pilot measures were implemented on the neighborhood scale which includes shading of a market space in a heat sensitive area.

Process of Implementation:

In cooperation with public authorities, such as the governorate urban upgrading units, and authorities on the local district level, the measures were implemented in very close collaboration with community leaders to facilitate among the community at large. All measures were implemented with a focus on raising awareness on the impacts of climate change on cities, and how small-scale measures can improve the overall micro-climate.

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