Support Kosovo Institutions in implementation of Law on Spatial Planning and better performing spatial planning activities

Potential climate/ disaster impacts addressed by approach & Justification for approach:

The directorates responsible for planning within the municipal administrations were supported on drafting spatial planning documents. These plans are multi sectoral strategic documents, and all spatial related strategies are elaborated from their existing situation to the spatial development framework and action plan. Disaster risk assessment management is a separate chapter within the planning document. Natural and manmade risks and hazardous areas within the municipal territories are thoroughly described. After a careful analyses and assessment by the professional teams, prioritized measures stated in the planning documents are incorporated in the action plan, including climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. The municipal spatial planning documents are drafted for the period of 8 years. Furthermore, during the drafting process a Social Environmental Assessment Report was drafted for these documents. Its aim is to assess whether the actions planned within these documents are not having negative environmental impacts.

Process of Implementation:

Throughout the entire planning process the municipal administration were put on lead whilst technically supported by the GIZ technical staff and the hired consultants. The objective was to increase municipal capacities in learning by doing. Furthermore, a comprehensive participatory process was undertaken while developing the plan, with conventional and innovative digital tools.

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