Toolbox for climate sensitive and inclusive urban investment and project planning

Potential climate/ disaster impacts addressed by approach & Justification for approach:

To help urban planners and other stakeholders/decision-makers to make future investments and project planning more climate resilient, a set of tools, guidelines and checklists is needed. Thus, several instruments were developed: Local Climate Risk Analysis Tool, Inclusiveness checklist, Gender Checklist, Benefit-Cost analysis.

Process of Implementation:

At the beginning, existing development project proposals (DPPs) for public investment projects as well as budget documents of the partner cities were reviewed. Furthermore, the legal framework and orientation documents (guidelines etc.) for DPPs and municipal budget preparation in Bangladesh were reviewed. Based on these findings, a set of recommendations were developed, supported by 3 tools as annexes to the existing DPP guidelines (climate risk analysis, benefit cost analysis, gender and inclusiveness checklists). Then, these tools were discussed in a workshop for official endorsement before the final publication. As a final step, the toolset was piloted in the partner cities of the project through supporting the preparation of DPPs and development of small-scale project concepts. Furthermore, the municipal budget preparation is supported, including on-the-job training on the toolbox. Lastly, for the upscaling of the tools, trainings for public officials, project planners and city administrations regarding the consideration of climate risks and application of the tools in the development of urban infrastructure project development were conducted

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