Transformative adaptation in the Berg River catchment through Nature Based Solutions

Potential climate/ disaster impacts addressed by approach & Justification for approach:

Riverine management in Drakenstein faces several challenges, amongst others different sources of pollution, wastewater discharges, stormwater runoff and alien invasive vegetation. These challenges are expected to worsen over time as pressures for land development increase, such as the expansion of informal housing along riparian areas.

Process of Implementation:

The CFF provides cities with technical assistance to develop finance-ready low carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure projects. The project in Drakenstein is one of projects that is currently receiving support until 2024. The project ‘Drakenstein Green Infrastructure Programme’ aims to connect and enhance the climate responses of existing riverine management initiatives within the municipality and identify pilot measures at critical locations based on the climate change vulnerability analysis of the Berg River. The project’s overarching objectives are to increase flood resilience and water retention in the Berg River catchment through the rehabilitation of riverbanks, riparian areas and floodplains. It will also support local partnerships to manage climate change risks and flooding impacts, both within the structures of the local authority and within the broader public. In the first phase, the CFF will support the city to conduct a climate change vulnerability assessment along the Berg River and its tributaries. Based on the assessment, the second phase will identify up to four location-specific adaptation measures for which a feasibility study and business case will be developed with the support of the CFF.

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