Urban Design Competition

Potential climate/ disaster impacts addressed by approach & Justification for approach:

The competition approach was designed to develop targeted participatory and climate-sensitive solutions for residents of two neighborhoods- Mullaserry Canal Precinct (Kochi) and Kavundampalayam (Coimbatore) in India. Flooding, sanitation and improved mobility and access to green spaces are recurring issues faced by the people living in the neighborhood. While the respective city governments have initiated ad hoc solutions for addressing the challenges, a lack of participatory and integrated approach accounting for the resident’s requirements has curtailed the impact of the interventions. The core tenets of the UDC approach including inclusivity, stakeholder consultations, and ground truthing are crucial for democratizing urban planning and development.

Process of Implementation:

The competition was designed in four crucial phases: Phase 1 involved site selection through consultations with city government stakeholders to understand the city's vision and proposed development plans. Based on their recommendations and necessary approvals the site for the competition was finalized. Phase 2 involved the development of a design brief articulating the site characteristics, challenges, and requirements. The design brief is a result of multiple consultations, focus group discussions, awareness walks, and interviews with state and non-state actors including the community residents and civil society. Phase 3, the competition was announced and launched to the public with support from the city government. Following the design responses received from all over the country, a nine-member jury comprising national, international, and sector experts was impaneled to select the winning approaches based on the evaluation criteria. Phase 4, the winning approaches were developed into detailed proposals for pilot projects in consultations with the city government.

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